

Vagrant dressed in dark rags

he walks with his dead limbs against his side,

his face shrouded by unexpressed suffering.

What woes has he seen?

To make him become this sketch of a man.

He takes off his crown and kisses the ground

no one sees him but me

no one to call him mad,

his boots heavy, shuffle upon his holy land

he walks towards the infinite sea his dark face glaring blankly

acting out a pagan salute to the gods of the earth

his rite of passage before departure.



I confess I am lost

without hope

free falling through life

doing enough to barely

keep breathing

is that enough?


To live with each breathe

holding onto this existence

through inhaling and exhaling

in the most basic of actions,

hoping death doesn’t come

filling the lungs with air and

expelling carbon dioxide.


It seems so little a thing to do

when a new plague

robs people of this

simple action

taking their lives

by taking away

the abililty to breathe.

Can't be silent

(for George Floyd and others)


Well I can’t keep silent anymore

I’ve got to say my peace

else it’s just going to make me sick

I have to say I love you

and I can’t see you being hurt anymore


Stop hurting my friend, can’t you see

he’s innocent.

Why do you stomp him down

with your fear?


He’s just trying to breathe,

needing to live like the rest of us

we need to live together,

why can’t you let him live?


Why do you choose to choke the life out of him?

Stop, don’t shoot, don’t hate, just breathe and think.


Choose love, choose peace and choose kindness

don’t be silent, stop this madness.



My home is filled with ghosts

it is a haunted house.

Like those eerie places

where holocausts have occurred

covered in a thick layer of genocidal misery

from violent acts that have torn souls 

away from this world.

The spirits and bad energy linger in the air

making me uneasy

giving me goosebumps

and the strange sensation

someone is trying to whisper something to me

but I cannot make out the words.


Memories flash in my mind as I am where my childhood was played out.


Each step brings me back to the memories and people who will never return.


For one moment and I am a child.


I wish I had been kinder, taken more time to appreciate them.

I turn to look for those beautiful souls, and they are gone 

like that sinking feeling when a once vibrant house is now still

the soul is abscent.


I'm always more and more alone as family and friends disappear.


One moment they are here, I can touch them, I feel them,

talk to them, bask in their company, have their advice

and support.

Their laughter and tears are my music.


Then there is silence, and the memories haunt me reminding me they are gone,

my home is filled with ghosts.

Be as a child

I want to be like a child

in awe of the world around me

generous with love and affection

accepting of change, always

growing and learning.


I want to always expect the best

and even if it doesn't happen

simply continue to hope

get back up and move through

life with a  naive energy

which keeps you moving

in a mixture of creativity,

curiosity and determination.


Children are so flexible

they are like a cup filling

and overflowing with water

A piece of magic

when the world seems dark

be like a child

live with hope

and endless faith.


I've had better days

 There have been better days than now,

felt less lost and confused

not so sad or deflated

I wish for one of those

better days

instead of smack

bang in one of the worst ones.


Nothing going right

love went to waste

efforts all worthless

and so, so far away

from everyone I love.


The hurt comes in tears

that bastard blows up in

your face,

whether you like it or not

that emotion's going to come

knock you over and make you

wish for better days

they will come, just be patient.


A funny thing about the heart

is that it keeps beating

even though it's broken.


Even if the pieces go missing

it still keeps you alive.


Unless it has something else wrong with it

the heartbreak won't kill you.


Even though you feel dead on the inside

it keeps ticking along.


Why? Because that's the way life is supposed to be lived

always shuffling forward.


Children are pushing the years onwards impatiently

willing the time to move more quickly,

youth makes us want to run

in a hurry to achieve something.


Other moments life make us stop

like smashing into a light pole at high speed.


We survive the car crashes life gives us,

 slowly re-habilitating ourselves,

because even though we are forced to stop at times

to catch our breath, we never can stop the moment.


It helps us this motion, keeps us putting one foot in front of the other

this gives us a future to look forward to, a past filled with memories,

a way to cope with loss, disappointment and grief.


We are humans who survive it all, growing through strength and love.

Passing on our intuition, drive and knowledge onto the universe

who takes us always onwards.

About grief

I know a little bit about grief.


It's the moment you realise

you cannot go back on your own steps

you can't make it better

or say I love you again

 see someone's face every day,

hear their laugh, trace the outline of their smile,

hold their hand or give them a hug.

When you learn what it feels like to run out of time.


No more silent pauses in conversations

seeing them across the table,

passing the salad bowl at dinner.


All of those moments you take for granted

stop in your mind,

they are gathered up in memories

and the grieving begins.


I've learnt grief isn't bad,

it's all we have, really,

for our tears are our love

which used to go out

towards those we love.


After they are gone it has nowhere to go,

so our unexpressed love

becomes our grief.


And as our passion is as undying,

as our mourning.


This will never leave

not until our dying days.


It may seem ironic

but I hope we never

stop grieving

because it keeps our

dearly departed near us.


Life doesn't stop

when someone dies,

it merely shifts

and changes into another

gear and somehow

we live with it.


I don’t care what other people think of me because I’m intelligent, empathetic, sensitive, creative, reflective, and worthy.

I’m willing to take up space, contribute, make something new and create worthy connections in the world.

I’m here to seek knowledge and understanding, listen and see different points of view.

I want to be a kind ear, an encouraging and reassuring voice for others.

I’m growing every day, making mistakes and stumbling along, always moving forward and looking to become a better person.

I can change my mind and opinions because life is about evolving and living this moment at its greatest potential.

Dream of Blue

I dreamt of blue

a deep dark Russian blue

I painted with my blue 

and it made me feel like 

I was swimming in the sea.

Usually, I’m frightened when I

see this deepness in the ocean

as soon as I see the change

in the underwater light

so dark as to hide the seafloor

I panic and flee back to shore

anything can be hiding in the depths.

It terrifies me.

But inside of my dark blue

I am safe, fascinated by its

possibility and swaddled

inside the murky beauty.

Two poems dedicated to opera

On Hearing Verdi’s Requiem

Fragile beauty gives way to pulsating fluctuations

enigmatic expressions of epic grief


Such is the end of an era of beauty

that surrenders to the ravages of time


To live again in each performance

trumpeted scenes of past grandeur


The bass-baritone undertone of the sinister

single beating echoes in the caves of darkness


Soprano sketching out expansive emotion

 she holds each note in the flux of heaven


Chorus connects to human consciousness

humming the grieving  reaction to a death


As the punctured skin bleeds

so too does the wounded soul sigh

and in these sighs, one hears music.

On hearing him play: An ode to musicianship

(Dedicated to T.P)

Steinway voluptuousness

poised seductively upon the stage

Spotlit footsteps disrupt the moment of admiration

pages turn to the beginning

the anticipation felt as musical inspiration is inhaled

beauteous voice exhaled


Seeing him play

beholding a dreamer’s dream

voyeuristic fantasy

he is not here

he has stolen the moment to share

with his beloved, Music

in an intimate embrace


Hearing him play

flawless interpretation boldly resonates

how could each note echo a heartbeat?

lest it is from the one heart

as familiar voice whispers

sensuous secrets to delight

each nuance fully expressed


Remembering the moment

emotions evoked

the inner pool stirred with each finger

stillness rippled by the dimensions of emotion

the body recalls

visceral performance

shaped by the hands of an artist.

My poetry


My poetry is a constant whisper in my ear

a dark, haunting and persistent dream

my inner voice leaking out of my head

a constant weeping emotion

which is eerie, untamed and real

it is always uncomfortable

to share as the words come from an awkward place

yet they feel beautiful just the same


They are like little deformities

which express a deep insecurity

unpleasing to the eye

yet satisfying for the soul.


I coax them out of me like untamed wild animals

I watch as they slowly show me their savage power

I am always in awe of the epicness of human emotion

And how it can consume itself.


Death's garden


The idea came to commemorate my dearest ancestors

by planting them a garden.


Lavander sprigs for stillborn Estella.


Delicate violets from Nonna’s garden.


An all-enveloping ivy that covers and embraces

everything for Nonno.


Daddy would be an aubergine flower as that's

what he left for us in his garden.


Mum will be an exotic caper flower after she is gone.


I will plant them on my skin,

they will slowly grow up my arm

and cover my body in death's garden.


Added to with every loss

I choose a new plant to sow

for my family and friends

and add to the artwork

with each ghost.


Death's love affair


Death loves us deeply

like a child gathering flowers

and leaving them to dry in the sun


He cannot resist the beauty

of our immortal souls

which shimmer and glow

before his eyes


He loves the warmth which comes

from our hearts, the energy

which emanates from our lives

he is infatuated.

What love death has for us

he cannot stop himself

from touching and caressing

with every touch

he takes a piece of us

slowly stealing our lives

His gentle embrace is a lover

trying to possess his love

he makes fear disappear

overcome by a passion

deeper than ourselves

we are helpless

despite life’s distractions

we surrender to

the love affair

of death.


This poem is from the poetry collection zine Trinacria Poems currently available on Amazon

Read more about what I’ve been creating and how to support me here on The Art of Asking page.


A beautiful way with words


Oozing creativity from every pore

her mind ticks over incessantly

as she welcomes solutions to her problems

and offers a comfortable place for

new ideas to rest themselves

many of her endless thoughts

are consumed by the monster called doubt

one by one she fishes out the shredded fragments

patch them up and try to move on

those who survive her own doubt will survive anything.


Autumn of my life


The tired gardens of Autumn are beginning to slumber, dry out and wither.


The smell of rotting fruit is somewhat enticing like burnt cake, pungent and warm

everything is left to rot, too late to ripen and even to be picked or eaten.


Rotten stink bugs rub themselves with us, our clothes buzzing in their attempts

to flee and fly away.


I grab one inside my fist and throw it making it fly even if it doesn’t want to,

 it leaves behind its perfume on my palm

a strange incense smell that many think is disgusting


The odour reminds me of these short gloomy days with intermittent bursts of sunshine

and the inevitable promise of the encroaching winter

that bring moments of deathly silence.

Strangely these are my favourite days

to reflect and create upon.


The Olive Tree

Bury me, there under the olive tree

where my ancestors sighed as they worked

where they whipped up dustbowls and thorns

where the songs and prayers were once sung

with tired voices and broken bodies

on whose branches some hung to harvest

and others to choke the very life out of themselves.


I want to rest under the ancient olives filled with endless spirits

and where the ghosts wait to possess innocent souls 

each tree growing around in knotted branches, tying themselves

into the ground, holding onto the magical fruit

which revives the weary and contains the flavour of life.


There where the work is done like a religious rite,

with honest hands stained in dark oil spots

together with families who warmed themselves

with the hot coal filled conca 

moved from tree to tree

during the once dark winter.


Where everything felt inevitable, everyone knew

their place, where the work was true and when done

you could rest.


Delicate Impossibilities


I've never been able to let go of my delicate impossibilities

the airheaded dreamer holds onto what if  moments

what would have happened along another path

with different people by my side

or even by myself.


I delight myself in remembering the gentle caresses

standing too close or too long with someone

regretting not leaning over and kissing

or not following someone to the train station

losing touch, moving on while holding on to a first love

never forgetting shared intimacies and always desiring more.


There is one fleeting moment which constantly

haunts me, a man I loved when he was but a boy

I worry perhaps he was my soul mate

he was a reflection of myself, and I have always loved him

I still have his perfume, I smell the odour of our youth

my innocence.

I wish him all my love

and still, I dream of him.


Did he see himself in me and flee

Perhaps he believed I forgot him

I'm a good actress

I can never forget that piece of me

I found myself with him

and I want to let him know

I will always remember you,

soul mate and love

even if you make yourself invisible

the delicate impossibilities will remain.

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