There is a wishbone stuck in your throat
it sits lodged between your vocal cords
amazingly it does not hamper your voice
in fact, it creates your voice
With every breath, you inhale desirously
ambition to replenish your want for success
The Wishbone absorbs your breath the split bones
two halves pluck you chords
not choking just your voice singing
with the expectation of ongoing expression
Such is the mysterious awe of the performance
the wish expressed through your voice.
Only one resolution
I'm not big on New Year's resolutions but this year I've decided simply to do a little more of what I've been doing so far.
I don't like resolutions, I prefer goals. I can get many little goals done during the year rather than a big, scary and impossible life-changing idea. Breaking things down into healthy daily, weekly and monthly routines is the best way to go. Keep working and making things everyday and you will see the results.
I've promised myself to do more writing, more creativity, more self care, to be more present for my family and friends.
We've just got to keep on keeping on through all the tribulations and challenges of life.
The only real resolution we all have to keep in mind is the one of simply being. All we can really do is be ourselves, be whatever we need to keep going, be the things we need for ourselves, our friends, family and the world.
So on this first month of the year, I wish for you to simply be whatever you need right now.
Love and light
Dream of Blue
I dreamt of blue
a deep dark Russian blue
I painted with my blue
and it made me feel like
I was swimming in the sea.
Usually, I’m frightened when I
see this deepness in the ocean
as soon as I see the change
in the underwater light
so dark as to hide the seafloor
I panic and flee back to shore
anything can be hiding in the depths.
It terrifies me.
But inside of my dark blue
I am safe, fascinated by its
possibility and swaddled
inside the murky beauty.