My first love is poetry.
From old song lyrics to Shakespeare, Pushkin, the Beats and everything in between.
My ideas come to me in fleeting images, emotions and shapes on the page.
They come from dreams, nightmares and memories.
Sometimes they are too personal to share, more often I like how the words sound together or the shapes they make on the page, it’s all very intuitive. If it works there is always something which will bring me back, something I like or want to polish.
Writing over the years I have noticed many patterns, lessons life has whispered into my ear, I write them down in my poems and they remind me of those brief moments of clarity in amongst the general rush and confusion of life.
Sometimes it’s an emotion or an image, something that strikes me or comes back to haunt me.
The ideas are like many people talking at the same time, every so often one will become louder and clearer than the others. I listen, remember, write it and it takes me to the heart of what I want to say.
It is with pride, fear and a burning desire to share that I will endeavour to publish my poems here for you.