
Sometimes I get tangled up with everyday life.


One fine, straight cotton thread becomes entwined

around my family, work, children and economic situation.


Once it was easy to thread a needle and get to work as I please

now the loop is twisted and turned upon itself around others

and then back to me.


The more I try to pull away from it the tighter it becomes.


Like those poor sea lions and marine animals caught up in plastic

fishing lines cutting into their own skin

around mouths, restricting movement until they starve to death


Could I cut myself out?

What would be left of me?

The thread is cutting off chunks of flesh

surely there won't be much of myself left

the tangle is too tight to be unthread.



Vagrant dressed in dark rags

he walks with his dead limbs against his side,

his face shrouded by unexpressed suffering.

What woes has he seen?

To make him become this sketch of a man.

He takes off his crown and kisses the ground

no one sees him but me

no one to call him mad,

his boots heavy, shuffle upon his holy land

he walks towards the infinite sea his dark face glaring blankly

acting out a pagan salute to the gods of the earth

his rite of passage before departure.



I confess I am lost

without hope

free falling through life

doing enough to barely

keep breathing

is that enough?


To live with each breathe

holding onto this existence

through inhaling and exhaling

in the most basic of actions,

hoping death doesn’t come

filling the lungs with air and

expelling carbon dioxide.


It seems so little a thing to do

when a new plague

robs people of this

simple action

taking their lives

by taking away

the abililty to breathe.

Be as a child

I want to be like a child

in awe of the world around me

generous with love and affection

accepting of change, always

growing and learning.


I want to always expect the best

and even if it doesn't happen

simply continue to hope

get back up and move through

life with a  naive energy

which keeps you moving

in a mixture of creativity,

curiosity and determination.


Children are so flexible

they are like a cup filling

and overflowing with water

A piece of magic

when the world seems dark

be like a child

live with hope

and endless faith.


I've had better days

 There have been better days than now,

felt less lost and confused

not so sad or deflated

I wish for one of those

better days

instead of smack

bang in one of the worst ones.


Nothing going right

love went to waste

efforts all worthless

and so, so far away

from everyone I love.


The hurt comes in tears

that bastard blows up in

your face,

whether you like it or not

that emotion's going to come

knock you over and make you

wish for better days

they will come, just be patient.